Perdaman Case Study

Case Study

Social Impact Assessment and Human Rights Review


Pilbara / Burrup Peninsula


Saipem Clough Joint Venture / Perdaman


361 Degrees was engaged to complete the Social Impact Assessment, Social Impact Management Plan and Human Rights Review Assessment for the Perdaman Urea Project. Once constructed, this plant will be among the largest Urea production facilities in the world.

Our methodologies aligned with the Equator Principles (EP4) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), with a strong focus on identifying, mitigating and managing social and human rights impacts.  


Through the development of tailored Social Impact Management Plan, the outcomes of the impact assessment and human rights review were integrated into an accountability and reporting framework. This framework was supported by reporting templates to keep community and stakeholders informed of the project’s performance in meeting its social and human rights commitments.    

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